In September 2023, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) introduced fresh measures aimed at streamlining the Canadian citizenship application process. These changes encompass waivers and accommodations, particularly on non-medical compassionate grounds, making it more accessible for certain individuals to attain Canadian citizenship.
IRCC has introduced accommodations to facilitate applicants in meeting the eligibility criteria for their citizenship application. If candidates satisfy all other citizenship prerequisites, IRCC can offer accommodations, including:
- Ensuring that in-person event locations are wheelchair and service animal accessible.
- Organizing interpretation services for alternative versions of the study guide, oral or Braille versions of the citizenship knowledge examination, or additional time for the tests.
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New Canadian Citizenship Waivers
Waivers come into play when accommodations cannot meet an applicant’s demands due to specific conditions outlined in the Citizenship Act. Notably, there’s a waiver for the oath of citizenship for applicants aged 14 and above who, due to mental incapacity, are unable to comprehend the significance of this oath. Similarly, applicants aged 55 or older are exempt from taking the citizenship oath. Moreover, individuals can request waivers for language or Canadian knowledge requirements under compassionate grounds, which encompass:
- Severe medical conditions lasting or expected to last for at least one year, such as serious illnesses, physical or developmental disabilities, or mental health issues.
- Trauma resulting from wartime experiences, torture, living in a refugee camp, or similar circumstances.
- Low levels of literacy or education in one’s mother tongue.
- Other relevant situations warranting a waiver.
As long as the waiver request is not denied, clients who request a knowledge requirement waiver will not be invited to undertake the citizenship test.
Invalid Reasons for a Waiver
IRCC explicitly states that time and cost are not valid reasons for requesting a waiver. Applicants cannot seek a waiver due to insufficient time for test preparation or an inability to cover the expenses associated with language tests.
Can I Request Multiple Waivers?
Yes, you can request waivers for more than one citizenship requirement, depending on your specific circumstances. For instance, you may seek waivers for tests and the oath or request all three waivers: tests, oath, and language.

Requesting a Waiver for Your Canadian Citizenship Application
To request one or more waivers for your citizenship application, you can utilize the Waiver Request form (CIT 0116). Here, you should clarify why a waiver for language or knowledge is necessary. Furthermore, IRCC has updated the Medical Opinion Form for Citizenship Waiver (CIT 0547) to accommodate eligible applicants seeking waivers on medical grounds.
Evaluation of Waiver Requests by IRCC
The Case Management Branch (CMB) will be responsible for assessing knowledge, language, and oath waivers. Unlike previous practices, there will be no requirement for applicants to appear at a waiver hearing. Instead, CMB decision-makers will exercise their discretion to accept or reject waiver requests based on the supporting documentation. Waiver requests will be handled through the Centralized Network (CN), which will send files directly to the CMB.
Who Qualifies for Canadian Citizenship?
To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, applicants must generally meet the following criteria:
- Be a permanent resident of Canada and have physically resided in the country for at least 1,095 days (three years) out of the preceding five years.
- Fulfill personal income tax filing obligations for at least three tax years within the five-year period.
- Demonstrate adequate knowledge of English or French (CLB/NCLC level 4), except for individuals under 18 or over 55 who are exempt from English or French language tests.
- Display proficiency in Canadian history, values, institutions, rights, and responsibilities by passing a citizenship knowledge test.
- Not be inadmissible to Canada due to specific criminal convictions.
These initiatives aim to simplify and enhance the Canadian citizenship application process, making it more accessible for eligible individuals.