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Marc Miller Commits to Boosting Canada’s Unprecedented Immigration Targets

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Marc Miller, Canada’s Immigration Minister, remains unwavering in his commitment to uphold or potentially enhance the country’s exceptional immigration objectives. The urgent need to address labor shortages caused by an aging workforce drives his determination. “Lowering our targets is not on the horizon. The demand is simply too substantial,” Miller stated in an interview with Bloomberg News. He emphasized the importance of exploring avenues to increase immigration targets rather than decreasing them.

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Miller, who recently assumed the role of immigration minister during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Cabinet reshuffle on July 26, is set to unveil the revised immigration goals on November 1.

As part of the 2023-2025 Immigration Levels Plan, Ottawa has set a target of 465,000 new permanent residents for 2023. This plan also includes goals of 485,000 new permanent residents in 2024 and an additional 500,000 in 2025, aiming to welcome a total of 1.45 million immigrants to Canada over three years.

Interestingly, the latest data from Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reveals that by the end of May, Canada had already admitted 220,810 new permanent residents. If this pace continues throughout the year, Canada could potentially welcome 529,944 new permanent residents by year-end, surpassing the annual immigration target by almost 14 percent.

Intriguingly, the current pace of immigration could even lead to a nearly six percent exceedance of the notably higher 2025 immigration target.

Amid escalating housing market inflation, TD Economics issued a report titled “Balancing Canada’s Population Growth” in late July. Economists Beata Caranci, James Orlando, and Rishi Sondhi pointed out that increased immigration has strained the housing supply. They cautioned that adhering to a high-growth immigration strategy might exacerbate the housing shortage by approximately half a million units within two years. The economists questioned the efficacy of recent government policies aimed at expediting construction due to time constraints and the inherent lag in supply adjustments.

Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre has seized on the housing crisis to critique Trudeau’s approach, attributing the housing predicament to excessive immigration levels. Poilievre has pledged to boost housing construction and adopt a pragmatic immigration perspective, focusing on better credential recognition for professionals and tradespeople.

Miller rejects the notion that immigrants are the root cause of the housing crisis

Miller, however, asserts that immigration targets should be driven by the number of job vacancies private sector employers need to fill, the demand from charitable organizations to sponsor refugees, and the imperative for families to be promptly reunited with their loved ones. He firmly rejects the notion that immigrants are the root cause of the housing crisis and advocates for a more nuanced view.

Miller underscored, “We must move beyond the oversimplified notion that immigrants are solely responsible for housing pressures and rising home prices.” He added, “Our approach must consider longer historical and generational perspectives. To ensure anticipated benefits such as healthcare, affordable housing, and dental care, cultivating a skilled labor force in our nation is crucial.”

Responding to his political adversaries, Miller emphasized, “While politicians often operate within electoral cycles, my role necessitates a focus on generational horizons.” He stressed the strategic importance of attracting a younger demographic to secure a future where upcoming generations enjoy the same advantages as their predecessors. Miller concluded, “This is the pragmatic reality we must confront.”

As Canada grapples with multifaceted challenges and engages in discourse on immigration policies, all eyes are on Marc Miller’s leadership. His efforts to steer Canada toward a sustainable and prosperous future underscore the critical role immigration plays in shaping the nation’s trajectory.

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